Kanchana Hutton - Fillan Healthcare

Kanchana Hutton

Kanchana Manickam

Kanchana currently works full-time as a Psychiatrist in Adult Community Mental Health Centre in Waitemata District Health Board. She is also involved in teaching medical students in Psychiatry through the University of Auckland.

Kanchana completed her medical degree in the University of Auckland and achieved post-graduate Fellowship in Psychiatry from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP).

Kanchana has experience in forensic, adult and general psychiatry, and assesses a wide array of mental disorders including mood disorders, psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, Adult ADHD, and substance use disorder. She also has interests in co-morbid complex medical and psychiatric disorders, civil and forensic reports, immigration reports, perinatal psychiatry, and dealing with a wide variety cultures including the use of interpreters.

She currently has clinics on Wednesday and Thursday and only seeing patients via Zoom.

Payment for an appointment with Kanchana is required in full 24 hours prior to the appointment.  Please see terms and conditions below.

Kanchana T’s & C’s Dec 2021

Contact Kanchana Hutton